Back in 1998, I was still doing whatever RF work happened to come my way, much of which was commisioning work, when I was given an offer that was far too good to turn down.
On one of our Defence jobs, their Test Manager had just quit. Would I like the job, which would come with training? And it would be software testing.
A new career with free training. Not an offer to knock back.
So of course I took up the offer, and have spent most of my career in the testing and verification field ever since.
In retrospect, because I had always seen jobs through to delivery and sell-off, I'd always been doing the final testing anyway, so it was an easy transition to make. But it was great to also have the training, and eventually I ended up teaching it as well.
The aricles in this section are a grab-bag of what has gone wrong for me, and how I've fixed it. There's nothing quite like learning from experience.